1st INDEST International Conference on Social and Territorial Development

On 23rd and 24th of November will be held the two days of the First INDEST International Conference on Social and Territorial Development at the Centre for Cross-Border Cultures and Cooperation of the Cappont Campus (Lleida, Catalonia)

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The main objective of the 1st INDEST International Congress is to provide content the four main research topics. Likewise, it seeks to deepen the research and research activities being done in INDEST. The Congress will be, also, a meeting point for researchers from the social sciences and humanities at the same University.

The Institute for Social and Territorial Development (INDEST) is one of the two research institutes of the University of Lleida (UdL). INDEST brings together a total of twenty-two seven research groups and about two hundred and fifty research professionals as faculty and academic personnel. Its objective is to develop research along the four main lines of research established on the Strategic Research Plan of the UdL: (1) Sustainable socio-economic and territorial activity, (2) Mobilisations, transitions and social relations, (3) Leisure society and cultural consumption and (4) Generations: childhood, youth and aging.

The 1st INDEST International Conference on Social and Territorial Development aims to make INDEST and its research visible, to deepen its lines of research and to establish or strengthen links with other research groups working in similar terms. In this sense, the 1st International Congress of INDEST: Social and Territorial Development will be a meeting point for all researchers and for all researchers of the wide range of different groups of research and areas of knowledge that unites the research institute.